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General information:

Type: installation
Languages: Russian ( alexyar ), English
Treatment: free for non-commercial use

Additionally: a patch has been applied to unlock the installation of MacOS. To run MacOS, you must add the line smc.version = "0"
to the machine's VMX file.

The assembly includes only VMware Tools for Windows and MacOS.
The program downloads the rest from the network automatically.

Command line parameters:

Silent installation of the English version: /S /QE
Silent installation of the Russian version: /S /QR
Selecting the installation location: /D=PATH

The /D=PATH parameter must be specified last.
For example: Install.exe /S /QE /D=C:\MyProgram

What's new : official website

System requirements: File size: 224 MB -- VMware Workstation 17.6.0 (English only)
8.1 (64-bit) 10/11 (64-bit)